Welcome to my blog!

I am a writer on a journey, a Hero’s Journey you might say.
My first memories center around books. I remember reading, curled up with my very pregnant mother, as she helped me understand the words in a children’s book explaining the creation of life. I surrounded myself with books from early childhood, so it seemed a natural transition to move from consumer to creator.
I started writing before I entered middle school. Writing became my passion and my escape. One of the best feelings in the world is when you read something you have written and it gives you a thrill.
This blog is dedicated to helping others discover the thrill of writing.
I intend to use this blog to help others learn to create their stories. It will also be a platform for authors to share their work and receive guidance to improve.
This blog will include:
How to write a book
Writing advice
Publishing advice
Book Promotion Advice
Writing prompts
Answers to Frequently asked questions about writing
Discussions about writing designed to challenge you and help you improve your story creation.
Please, post questions or comments on the blog.
I intend to make this a gathering place for authors of all skill levels to learn and grew as a community!