Stream of Consciousness

Stream of consciousness refers to the practice of writing down ideas as they come into your head. The conventions of grammar and appropriateness of language is usually ignored when using this literary technique. For those of you who cringe at the misplaced metaphor, or the comma splice, or the occasionally correctly spelled wrong word so frequently seen in this day of spell-check reliability, don’t worry there are a lot more things in here to worry about.
30 Days Stream of Consciousness
Stream of consciousness is thought in written form. For thirty days the voices were given free reign and this is the result. What happens when the voices are given the right to speak what is really in their mind?
Do the voices speak the words you wish you could say or do they assault your calm, ordered mind and make your hair stand up on end? Perhaps you would like the opportunity to allow the voices in your consciousness the freedom to speak.
Warning: This book contains strong language and adult themes.
A house on a lonely street. Strange happenings. How do you wrap your mind around things that go bump in the night when you do not want to believe in ghosts? What happens when a mysterious, beautiful woman walks into your world and every answer she gives you creates a thousand more questions? A touch here. A scratch there. A whisper. a sigh. And a cat who stays by your side through it all.
A word of caution to the easily offended: some of the word choice used by the voices may not be acceptable in mixed company. When you deal with fears like these it is important to allow the voice freedom.
Rumors of alien abductions abound throughout history. The mythology of aliens interacting with humanity brings up many questions. the biggest one being do aliens really exist? What do aliens want with humans?
Perhaps a glimpse into the alien mind will answer some of these questions.
Fire and Ice: A Love Story
Stream of consciousness refers to the practice of writing down ideas as they come into your head. The conventions of grammar and appropriateness of language is usually ignored when using this literary technique. For those of you who cringe at the misplaced metaphor, or the comma splice, or the occasionally correctly spelled wrong word so frequently seen in this day of spell-check reliability, don’t worry there are a lot more things in here to worry about. Concern yourself with the raw emotions expressed when two individuals are consumed, destroyed, reformed and recreated by love.
– in Between
Life is not about the day you are born and the day you die-It’s all about the Dash in Between.
Stream of consciousness refers to the practice of writing down ideas as they come into your head. The conventions of grammar and appropriateness of language is usually ignored when using this literary technique. For those of you who cringe at the misplaced metaphor or the comma splice, or the occasionally correctly spelled wrong word so frequently seen in this day of spell-check reliability, don’t worry there are a lot more things in here to worry about. Concern yourself with the souls of those tragically lost as they express themselves in the written word and wonder what is going to become of them.
Hero’s Journey
Some Hero’s are Born. Some are Created. And some are forged in the Fires of War.
Stream of consciousness refers to the practice of writing down ideas as they come into your head. The conventions of grammar and appropriateness of language is usually ignored when using this literary technique. For those of you who cringe at the misplaced metaphor, or the comma splice, or the occasionally correctly spelled wrong word so frequently seen in this day of spell-check reliability, don’t worry there are a lot more things in here to worry about. Concern yourself with the fate of the Hero and where he, or she, can find salvation.