Science Fiction

Echoes of Savanna


Echoes of Savanna CoverEvery generation has its defining moments, events that change history and turn the course of lives. Forever will the children of that generation be defined by those moments. Savanna Taylor is a medical doctor in 2036, the same year terrorists release a series of plagues and viruses into the world. The world is thrown in turmoil and Savanna needs to find a way to survive with her sanity and family intact. She needs to find a safe Haven for herself and for those she loves. Can Savanna cope in a world in constant flux brought on by war and disease? Can she save the world and protect her loved ones or will she make the ultimate sacrifice? How will she be defined?

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Raven’s Song

Raven's Song

The next generation has come into its own. Raven, Savanna’s impulsive, impetuous daughter has begun her own epic journey.
Raven was born in a time of turmoil and war. She decides her calling in life is to be a soldier. Sacrificing the shelter and security of Haven, Raven puts herself at risk to save others. She finds herself in perilous situations and thrust into the role of leadership despite her own misgivings. The Siren’s Song of Haven is continuously singing to her. She could be safe, protected, sheltered and warm if she returned to Haven and its stone walls. But, is it her destiny to live in the walls of Haven, or is there another destiny in store for this child of Haven?

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Lakota’s Strength

Future TitlesLakota is Raven’s son. A soldier defending the borders of the new land. Watch the Work in Progress blog for information about the progress of this title.

Hope’s Gathering

Future Titles

Watch the Work in Progress blog for information about the progress of this title.


Elora’s Return

Future TitlesWatch the Work in Progress blog for information about the progress of this title.