
Lucinda Moebius is a writer and educator and a lover of all things magical! Her nonfiction books focus on helping others learn to love and grow in the art of writing and finding the magic within themselves!
She shares her journey of discover with her books designed to teach lessons in love and expression.
Write Well Publish Right
Everybody has a story. It builds up inside us, fighting at the edges of our soul, pushing at us until it forces us to open an outlet and let it escape. So, what do we do? How do we tell the story?
Write Well Publish Right is designed to bring story-tellers from the first glimmer of an idea into completion of a full-fledged print book. This is not a “how-to” book, this is an “I did it and you can do it too” book. For all the writers who have ever attended writer’s workshops, community education classes and library meet-the-author days and wondered how to write a book and get published, this book leads the way. Learn how to write your first book or improve your writing in general.
Wand Works
Magic Wands bring forth the images of witchcraft and wizards casting transformation spells turning princes into frogs. But, you do not need to practice witchcraft to use a magic wand.
This journal is designed to help you connect with magic and the energy of the Universe. It teaches you how to care for and use a magic wand to tap into mysterious and supernatural forces omnipresent in our world.
The journey into the mystical realm is a personal and magical one. This book helps you explore this world and allows you to reflect on what you learned on the journey.